Combat Sports

Given the Arms Culture of New Washington, it would hardly be fair to deprive its citizens of sports designed around fighting, would it?

There are any number of venues for friendly sparring and sport fighting in New Washington. Even the famous commercial district club, The Gogobera, has a fighting arena located in its upper levels. By far the most well-known arena combat venues are located in the Mercenary District's sub-district, the Arena District.

Betting is fairly rampant on some fights, and some of it is even legal. Combat between Shadowflames is almost always held in an Arena, and is usually televised as well.

There is a venue for fighting by giant robots in New Washington's second largest arena, the One Must Fall Ultradome. Combatants are put to sleep and neurally connected to a huge robot, which fights another one in a huge arena. This allows for extreme, expensive violence with no loss of human life.

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