
Many New Washingtonians live exciting and dangerous lives without ever needing to leave the city. Some never do. New Washington is a xenophobic and insular society. This is not to say, however, that leaving the city is not an option.

The world outside of New Washington is a harsh one. Unnamed monsters roam the countryside, the Great Western forest has swallowed the Western half of North America. The Northern Wastes are a blighted beach of death and beasts. But there's treasure out there. There's fame and fortune to be had. Who wants to go claim some?

Besides, there's Stuff Out There. Canada is now home to the largest elven stronghold in the world, and is the home of the archmage Orelyn-Neimuth. In the Great Western Forest is Capitol, the morph city. Mexico is home of Sanctuary, the only city populated solely by monsters intent on peaceful co-existence with the other nations of the world. In South America, nestled among the monster hives is a colony of intelligent machines that live like monsters.

Getting out of the city is a bit of a task, but once you're out there there is plenty to do and see.

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