Audio, Video and Theatre

The media of radio and television have been carried to New Washington, though both are now transmitted over the Ether, the same information network that carries the modern equivalent of the internet.

Ethcasts, which can be either audio or audiovisual, are transmitted at a specific time and can be seen 'live' but are typically also archived and can be seen later by those interested in doing so.

The content of ethcasts in New Washington are not unlike what television and radio are now, though it bears mentioning that the lack of a consolidated government means that watching news cast from different companies may result in very different-seeming news. Mix Media is the largest media conglomerate in New Washington, and is responsible for controlling much of the transmitted media. Since no license is required to ethcast, however, information is difficult to control in its entirety.

Your character likely has a few favorite shows. Does your character like comedy shows? News? Sitcoms? Perhaps he likes sports, or watching Shadowflame combat. Feel free to come up with some ideas with your GM.

Don't forget, there's also live theatre in New Washington. While a great deal of information was lost with the Snowfall, Shakespeare's plays survived and so did many others. Seeing live people perform will likely never go out of style, and it remains quite popular with New Washingtonians.

If you are doing a Step by Step character creation, you can move on to The Ether or go back to Media.

Otherwise, you can go back to the Character Creation Index.

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