Family and Friends

Business contacts aren't the only relationship that keep people going. Your character likely has a family and friends; those who don't are generally less interesting than their creators seem to believe.

That said, what were the circumstances of your character's upbringing? Has he always been poor or rich, or have his financial circumstances changed? What did his parents do for a living? Does your character still have a relationship with her parents? Do they play an active role in her life?

Another important question is your character's relationship status. In New Washington, there are many people who follow the structure of relationships that are popular today; they date exclusively, then marry and stay partnered for life (or perhaps not). Society has continued to move, however; same-sex marriages are now accepted, as are forms of pair bonding other than marriage: handfasting and civil unions are both popular alternatives. Some couples marry or become betrothed for a year and a day rather than permanently. In addition, polyamorous relationships-- people who have more than one romantic partner-- are much more accepted in New Washington than in present-day situations; marriages to multiple people are even possible.

Then, of course, there are your friends. Friends and interests frequently go hand-in-hand; a character who likes watching arena combat might have friends who are into it too; maybe he even has some friends who are actually gladiators! Friends from work aren't uncommon. Your character's favorite places to hang out may produce some friends as well.

This topic can be discovered during a game, as well as developed further as you continue your character creation process.

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