Educational/Vocational Certification

Educational and Vocational Certification are the method by which a New Washingtonian officially displays his knowledge and skills.

Most Washingtonians are expected to earn at least a Primary Education Certificate, our equivalent of elementary and middle school. Those who don't also obtain a Secondary Education Certificate, not unlike a high school diploma, may find it difficult to hold down a job.

Once the SEC is obtained, Washingtonians may branch out. Some opt to continue a traditional, pre-Snowfall-style education, enrolling in New Washington University or a smaller college within the city. This earns a University Degree, a largely superfluous certificate that may help an employee's pay in certain jobs. Sadly, worldliness is not highly valued in New Washington and a Vocational Certificate holds a much higher degree of utility within the city.

Vocational Certificates, or VCs, are earned through hard work as an apprentice to a craftsman or specialist. Tradespeople who are capable teachers as well as good at their business will earn the ability to certify their apprentices from the local municipal corporation. They can then train a student through Apprentice, Journeyman and finally Professional status, each of which is its own level of certification. Nearly any profession can have a representational VC, which typically guarantees a corporate position for its bearer.

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