Job or Role

Capitalism reigns supreme in New Washington. Life costs money and money is earned.

What does your character do for a living? Many of the ordinary jobs that you might hold still exist in New Washington. A character could be a supermarket clerk, a train operator, a bartender, a bum or an industrial engineer.

There are exciting fields unique to the Age of Corporations, however; New Washington's mercenary trade thrives, with legal contracts concerning courier work as well as murder. The import/export trade sometimes involves venturing out into the dangerous Great Western Forest to seek rare items not available in the city. Your character could even be a Corporate Knight, sworn to protect her company's integrity, no matter whom she has to duel to do so.

Once you've chosen a job, or if you need a little more help doing so, you should think of what kind of certification your character has. The three main types of certification (educational/vocational, magical and martial) are a requirement for any New Washingtonian.

If you are doing a Step by Step character creation, you should think about:

Once you're done with these, you can move on to Financial and Social Standing

Otherwise, you can go back to the Character Creation Index.

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