Community and Contacts

Sometimes it's not who you are, it's who you know.

New Washington's lifeblood is communication. As physically and magically powerful as many of the denizens of New Washington are, their power is insubstantial in comparison to the power of a well-organized network of contacts. Much of a character's true wealth lies in the company he keeps.

Once you know your character's certification, job and personality, it will help you determine who her friends and allies are. A character who has experience in a specific trade will likely have contacts within that trade, as well as contacts that may be related to that trade. Mercenaries will know other members of the MercNet community, but may also have contacts within the arms industry. An office drone within a communications firm might not merely know other people in the office, but might also have some connections in the media or cipher industries.

Discuss possible contacts or community connections with your storyteller; these will be very useful tools for your character's survival and well-being.

If you are doing a Step by Step character creation, you can move on to Guild and Society Membership or go back to Financial and Social Standing.

Otherwise, you can go back to the Character Creation Index.

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