
There are several universal laws that govern what seems like a completely subjective reality. Here I list and explain a few of them.

Law of Ordained Destination - Changes to shadow worlds are often subtle, seemingly affecting even past events when responding to changes such as the arrival of new inhabitants. For example, a traveler who stumbles into this world might find he already has an identity and history in this world, even though he technically has never been here. Even a sudden and dramatic entrance to a world could occur at a time the shadow world coincidentally prophesized it.

Law of Congruent Similarity - Shadow worlds that are (meta)physically similar usually exist “next” to each other. The farther two worlds exist from each other the less in commen they probably share. Worlds that lie directly next to each other sometimes represent subtle differences in recent possible outcomes. Sometimes two shadows will seem radically different but will have a small but strong similarity. In these cases only parts of the shadows seem to close the gap between the two worlds.

Law of Sympathetic Correlation - Objects and events from one shadow world often “bleed” into neigboring worlds in coincidental or paranormal ways, depending on the severity of the event. Usually it is difficult to predict the effect an action in one world will have on others, as the relationship between an object or world to other worlds is rarely fully investigated.


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