Glossary of Terms

Age of Corporations, The - The phrase coined by the criminal netcaster Rogue Jaguar to describe the period between 2150 and 3000 C.E., and the time period that this site focuses on.

Ai'Kiall'Tchall - A race of cat-creatures created through divine intervention. Their blood is a healing agent and widely used and needed. Also known as Pol's Cats.

Aisha - Cat-Goddess of the Ai'Kiall'Tchall. Slang. A somewhat obscure curse, used mainly by Pol's Cats.

Anthropomorph - See Morph

Arcade District - Not an official District. A small, crescent-shaped area technically divided between the Mercenary District, the Commercial District, and Home. A haven for entertainment-oriented industry and culture and home of some of the most advanced entertainment technology in Varius.

Arena, The - Section of the Mercenary District dedicated to paid fights, lethal or non. Exceedingly dangerous to outsiders, and home to a very detailed and mutable social hierarchy.


Arnicin - A common technomagical pharmaceutical, used as an all-purpose painkiller. Uses the homeopathic and supernatural properties of the herb Arnica combined with medical technology to deal with pain and injury quickly and effectively.


ugment - Any human significantly enhanced by cybermagical implants. Usually used to refer to augmented criminals.

Babelfish script - Named after the language-barrier-breaking fish from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is a computer program that translates language almost in real-time as it is spoken.

Border, The - Southernmost 'district' of New Washington. Slums and crime-ridden neighborhoods that provide a shield between NW and The Labyrinth.

Capitol - The Morph city, located in the monster infested midwest wilderness of the ex-United States of America.

Celtic Union, The - Land gained and united by the long-fighting Irish and Scottish people, whose islands sank into the sea. The land was obtained in the treaties following the European Dragon War.

Charge Bus - A type of monetary interface device, usually either a Chitbus or a Credit Module.

Chinatown - Just south of Home. Not an official district, but a thriving population of asian immigrants and champions of racial purity.

Chitbus - A type of Charge Bus. A small plastic prism with a squarish charge bus plug on its end and usually a keyring hole. Holds as many Credits as a user chooses to place on it, and also usually has rudimentary identification information (except for criminally made or hacked units). Optionally has a display showing its remaining credits. Also known as a Wallet.

Coin - Slang. See Credit Chit

Commercial District - Central district of New Washington. Highly marketed and vied for area due to its proximity to every other district.

Credit Chit - A small card storing a certain amount of monetary value. Colored, reactive stripes on a chit indicate how many Credits are stored on it at any given time. Often referred to as a Coin.

Credit Module - A type of Charge Bus. A rectangular prism with a bus plug on its end. Looks a good deal like a Chitbus, but is smaller and has a lockable cap on its end. Modules are not supported everywhere, but where they are, a user can plug into a charge bus jack and remotely be billed for his purchases (with the confirmation of a retinal scan). It is essentially the modern equivalent of the 20th-century “credit card", but more efficient and effective. Also referred to as a Tab.

Dark Guardian - A Guardian who has fallen from grace and now works for his own ends or criminal purposes. This is a very rare type of Guardian, as Guardian augmentations are famous for reinforcing values of loyalty, compassion and honor. Dark Guardians do exist, however, and they are exceedingly powerful.

District - One of New Washington's Divisions. See Major District and Minor District.

Earth - An unknown term to Varians; the correct term for the world is Varius.

Ether, the - Generic term for the invisible forces in the air, whether technological or magical.

EP - Slang. Episode. Used to refer to meetings, encounters, dates, or any other event that can be characterized in a short period of time.

European Dragon War - A monumental war between the people of Europe and the revived Western Dragons, occurring after the Snowfall. The result of the war was the systematic exile of nearly every Western Dragon from Europe and significant territorial changes in the European nations.

Flavor Slice - Eastmost district of New Washington. An elite section of the city reserved for the wealthy and powerful. Highly political and dangerous area, but essential for prestige and power in the city.

Guardian - Cyber-magically enhanced supercops. Slang. Really cool, impressive.

HD - Slang. High Density. Good, solid. Used to express certainty or immutability.

HDP or HDPlastic - See High-density Plastic

High-Density Plastic - The catch-all term for the family of synthetic chemical compounds commonly used to simulate metals in the Age of Corporations. Developed early, they were then used to make most guns and blades, improving in quality as the Age progressed. Most metals were fairly rare by the late AoC and HDPlastic proved to be a worthy, very cheap replacement.

Hi-integ - Slang. High-integrity. Good, cool, clear. Used to express understanding, agreement or well-being.

Home - Westernmost district of New Washington, also the safest.

Interface - Slang. Talk to, identify with, have sex with.

Jazz - Slang. Mellow, cool.

Kingdom of New Britain, The - The constructed island nation built after the original United Kingdom was devoured by the rising ocean.

Labyrinth, The - A legendary slum directly on the south border of New Washington. Dangerous and uncharted, the Labyrinth devours those who are foolhardy enough to venture into it.

Lurkers - Regulatory Artificial Intelligence beings controlled by corporations that troll the now-massive internet for illegal content and malevolant presences, and work on their own to suppress them as well as alerting the authorities. One of the best examples of early applied Technomancy.

Major District - One of the five major sections of New Washington: The Mercenary District, The Commercial District, Home, The Flavor Slice, and The Border.

Merc - Slang. Mercenary.

Merc District - The northernmost district of New Washington. An area rife with corporate warfare, violence and hired services of every kind

Merfolk - A very specific breed of water-elemental Mutant with a self-sustaining culture located just off of America's east coast. See New Atlantis.

Minor District - One of many small divisions of NW that do not fall into the realm of the Major Districts, such as Arcade Lane or the Theatre District.

Morphs - A magically altered but self-sustainable race of anthropomorphic animals. Divided into two categories: Zoomorphs, humans magicked into animal shape, and Anthropomorphs, animals magicked into human shape. The Morphs have a city in the midwestern ex-USA called Capitol.

Mutant - A humanoid creature warped in utero by magical radiation.

Neg - Slang. Negative attribute or statement.

Netcast - An internet-based show with streaming media. Netcasts can be aural, visual, or both.

New Atlantis - An underwater city of water-elemental Mutant people, generally called Merfolk, located just off of the new East Coast of North America. Has a strong alliance with the New Washington city-state.

New K, The - Slang. See Kingdom of New Britain, The

New Washington - The large, autonomous city-state located near the new east coast of North America, and the place where the term “The Age of Corporations" was created.

Ping - Slang. Any form of communication or contact. Also used to say “hello". This term evolved from a 20th century-developed computer term.

Pol's Cat - Another name for Ai'Kiall'Tchall.

Pong - Slang. A response. The appropriate answer to Ping.

Precinct - Police sphere of influence. Each Precinct is controlled by corporate contract, either from one corporation or several. All Precincts are technically under Governmental control, but are effectively corporate owned. Precincts often may be treated as warlord territory, for though police forces will not fight each other, corporations frequently regard precincts as land to be considered when waging militia warfare.

Sanctuary City - One of the few civilized nations of intelligent monsters in the world, and the only one recognized by foreign powers. Located in South America.

Scan - Slang. Look, notice, ogle.

Tab - Slang. See Credit Module.

Technomancy - The human birthright attunement magic, an innate ability to instill a “spark of life” into one's technological creations. Discovered by monkey Zoomorph Nathan Gerson.

Theatre District - Not an official district, but a haven for performance art and other creative expression located just south of Home and protecting it from the Slums.

Unpoliced Zone - An area outside of Precinct influence. Such areas are generally either unofficially policed by gangs or corporate forces or are completely lawless and chaotic. Frequently referred to as UZs and are numbered with the convention UZ #xx (where xx is the governmental UZ ID number).

UZ - Slang. See Unpoliced Zone.

Wallet - Slang. See Chitbus.

Varians - Inhabitants of Varius.

Varius - The World. This term replaces the word Earth, not used on Varius.

Y-Nought - Slang. Girls (no Y chromosome), women. Not typically an insulting term.

Zoomorph - See Morph


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