
Ai'Kiall'Tchall -- named “Pol's Cats” after their creator -- are very similar in appearance to cat-type Morphs, but with enough distinction to be able to tell them apart. While Morphs generally have uniform fur over their bodies (with the exception of their hair), Pol's Cats have less fur, particularly on their faces. They will have thicker fur where humans only have thin hair (arms, legs, chest), and never have curly hair or the like.

The name “Ai'Kiall'Tchall” means, in some obscure language that even few of the race now know, “Ai'Shaa's Chosen Litter". Pol's Cats were created divinely from humans, and are effectively the worldly avatars of the God Ai'Shaa. Most 'Cats are deeply religious Animists and have at least a passing aptitude at Holy Magic. They are extremely rare and very secretive, as they have had a history of being hunted for their valuable blood (which is used in many curative salves and elixirs). Most Ai'Kiall'Tchall surround themselves with nature, though more out of the desire to keep safe than for any affinity for nature. Most are very civilized and know several languages, speaking all of them fluently. They do not form communities and prefer the company of other races to that of their own. They love to take the role of protector, possibly a result of their original purpose.

It bears mentioning that there is no such thing as a 'half Pol's Cat'; the blood of Ai'Shaa is so strong that the child of a Pol's Cat borne to a human, elf or half-elf will simply be a full-blooded Pol's Cat.

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