Christine Thakarr

Name: Christine Thakarr
Race: Human (Quarter-Dragon)
Age: 25
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135
Physical description: Lithely built, with a tanned complexion, and a long face with vaguely Asian features. Brown eyes, and red hair of mid-back length with swaths of natural brown leading back from the temples. Faint scars or tattoos in the shapes of Dragon runes are visible on her forehead, palms, and just below the throat.
Character Theme: We learn by doing.


Christine knew from early on that there was something a little unusual about her family, just from her name. Among the pragmatic Smiths and musical Caladriels in the roll call of her grade-school class, her last name, Thakarr, read like a sound effect from a comic book. When she had learned enough about such things to figure that the name must have ethnic significance, she asked her parents where it came from, and found to her delight that it was a Dragon name, passed on by her paternal grandfather. Eager and curious, she asked about this rare ancestor of hers, but not even her father knew much. The Dragon had vanished on a monster-hunting expedition when his son was still quite young.

But of course a frustrated curiosity, and such a heritage, can only lie dormant for so long. When she was in high school, Christine set to the task of finding out as much as she could about her grandfather. Searching the dusty attic and the damp basement of her suburban home, she managed to find a few articles of his history: a few letters to her grandmother, some photos (including a rather striking but amusing candid photo of him bathing, in natural form, in a lake somewhere), and a haphazardly kept journal. The letters and pictures had their sentimental significance, but the journal was what really drew her attention. It was written in Dragon, utterly illegible to her but equally compelling.

Christine worked herself ragged to make it into the University of New Washington, whose distinguished linguistics department might let her learn the language (having someone translate the journal would just not do; this was her quest). A brilliant essay about her search for genaeological identity helped her achieve that goal, and excitedly she began her studies. Much to her chagrin, the professor there who could have taught her Dragon died during her freshman year, and she was forced to take up the study basically by her own power. She was only ever able to get a rudimentary grasp of it, but it was enough for her to learn a few things about her ancestor. He was a Dragon of elemental Fire, restless, prone to sudden turns of mood and interest; the journal had great gaps where he simply wasn't inclined to keep it up. And the rune that characterized him was called Thaum.

When she had discerned that much, hunched over her papers--carefully xeroxed from the journal to best preserve it--at her desk, Christine wearily and thoughtfully leaned back in her chair. “Thaum..."

Like the last tick of the second hand at the hour, something turned and clicked within her.

The next morning, Christine changed her major from Linguistics to Arcane Studies, and dove headlong into research on runes and sigils of all kinds. Attempting their practice along with their theory, she found herself respectably apt with common magery, and the slower but far more exhilarating progress with Dragon magicks was the fuel for her ambition. She graduated with a degree in Magic History, and moved immediately into the University's graduate program, intending to focus her efforts on a kind of reconciliation of the two magical styles, carefully testing their interactions and hoping to become famous for her groundbreaking research.

Unfortunately, the blood of her ancestors disagreed. Subjecting Dragon runes to poking and prodding just felt... wrong, and potentially dangerous. Exasperated, she took a leave of absence from the University and tried to come up with some other way of realizing her ambitions. After some months of bad job leads, she came upon Oni Corp., and wondered if perhaps this might be the best sort of practical testing for a Fire Dragon's magic. Her proposal won her a respectable initial promise of backing, and she signed on with the company, taking their training programs and preparing for her first taste of the kind of adventure her grandfather loved.

Thus far in her Oni Corp. career, Christine has been on only a handful of relatively simple missions, and has been respectably successful. It seems this method of experimentation works just fine! She has seen some combat, but has not yet needed to take a life.

Miscellaneous biographical details:

Christine has an older (by some 2 1/2 years) brother, Jason Thakarr. He studied engineering, and is now working for a corporation based immediately south of New Washington. He and Christine are on amiable terms, but have never been particularly close as siblings go; their interests were individual and divergent enough that they didn't spend much time doing things together.

Christine has only recently, with some of her earnings from Oni, started renting a small apartment of her own. Before then she lived mostly in UNW housing, with occasional stays at her parents' house. She keeps in regular contact with her parents, and they are aware of her recent dangerous change of occupation. They are more worried than encouraging (the adventuring spirit must have skipped a generation in her father's case), but they're also fully aware that Christine is no longer their little girl to be kept under wing, and so don't actively try to dissuade her from her course.


Christine is indeed governed by a spirit of Fire, and her adherence to that personality type has intensified the more she has become attuned to her grandfather's blood. She works with determination and passion at her tasks, fighting relentlessly until all obstacles are ash. This is not, however, to say that she is always hot-headed or wrathful; rather, she's somewhat prone to changes of mood and confidence, just as a flame is subject to the whims of the wind and the quality of its fuel. She can be stubborn, overconfident, and flashy--or sensitive, guarded, and fearful. She's especially prone to feelings of embarrassment for her bookish background, since despite her adventurous spirit, she's really wet behind the ears as a fighter and a mercenary.

Game Statistics (BESM, Second Edition Revised) (40 Character Points):



Skills (Cyberpunk costs)


Game Statistics (GURPS, Fourth Edition) (175 character points):


Social Background

Advantages and Perks

Disadvantages and Quirks

Mundane Skills

Paranormal Skills and Powers


I think Oni Corp. may have been renamed after we started the game. Which corp was it actually, in the end? ~SabreCat

I'm pretty sure that it was Onicorp. The sortie was against Jormungand tech. ~Dog

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