The Stuff of Dreams, Chapter 7

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The man inside was impossibly tall, and dressed in what appeared to be a suit in the Victorian style. An impeccable three-piece deal with a top hat placed on the stranger's head made him appear even more ghostly than he would have otherwise, and his skin was pale enough to make him be a very convincing spectre. His features were quite beautiful in a pale, corpselike fashion, and he was clean-shaven. He wore no adornment other than the suit, and stood out starkly against the doorframe. The stranger grinned at Kyrian and stepped back. “Come in, come in! Oh, it's so good to meet you at last!"

Kyrian started violently upon looking behind the stranger. The apartment was in shambles. Although it looked like it must have been quite nice before, the shelves in the domicile were all empty, contents strewn all about. It looked like Sarah must have favored a real naturalist's setup, with plants and fountains and stones. The faint smell of incense hung in the air as well. Still, everything had been overturned, rocks thrown about and plants spilling dirt on the floor from cracked pots. It was like some hippie nightmare.

Previous chapter: The Stuff of Dreams, Chapter 6
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