Weapons Talk

The weapon one chooses to display on the streets of New Washington is more than simply armament: it is a declaration of intent, skill, and certification to your fellow citizens. What follows is a selection of the most commonly-displayed armaments in New Washington and what one says about oneself in carrying it.

Wakizashi 9mm SAP (Waki Nine): I have at least standard certification. I do not like to stand out and want to look like everyone else. If I have superior certification or skill, I would prefer not to advertise this fact. Please do not fight me.

Tanto .38 revolver: I am decidedly opposed to carrying a standard firearm, but still trust the industry standard in manufacturers. Be careful; I may have other combat-related talents such as magic or hidden weapons.

Edge Inc. Black Adder Shortsword: I have a keen sense of style. I have trained in melee combat and probably have certification. This blade may be edged with tranquilizer or poison. I am probably wearing a projectile shield.

Mei Kara Do Shock Gloves: I am skilled in martial arts and am probably wearing a projectile shield. I may be certified in Mei Kara Do, but may simply have hand-to-hand cert and prefer not to carry a weapon.

Cry Freedom Black Flag SAP: I am stridently anti-corporate. I may have connections to the Rogue Jaguar Network or other anti-corporate networks. Don't tread on me.

Pistol and Sword: I admire the fighting style of Corporate Knights, but unless I am wearing a rose I am not one. I may be quite skilled at dueling, but I may also be a poseur. I am probably wearing a projectile shield.

Two Pistols: I either do not expect to have drawn-out battles or make excellent use of cover. I fight from up close or in cramped quarters; I don't appreciate ranged combat despite my use of firearms.

Registered Automatic Weaponry: I am well-certified and dangerous. Do not engage me if you value your life.

Illegal Automatic Weaponry: I am a champion of the anti-corporate cause and extremely dangerous. Do NOT mess around with me.

Nothing: I am either very powerful, very stupid or a Conscientious Objector to the New Washington Arms Culture. Would you care to find out which?

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