Rogue Jaguar

The Great Voice
Rogue Jaguar is possibly the most important figure in Age of Corporations history. Indeed, he is responsible for the name that it is now called, thanks to his legendary Ethcasts. As RJ's ethcasts became more frequent and vocal, he became the voice of “the people” and Corporate NW's most elusive enemy. The anticorporate movement gained considerable momentum thanks to Rogue Jaguar's efforts. It is unknown how and when he died, but his ethcasts continued for the better part of the AoC, indicating that he was either an elf or that his life was somehow extended. Those who were well-connected at the time suggest that Rogue Jaguar may have uploaded his very life into the ether. Perhaps he never existed in any other fashion...
Appearance and personality:
RJ's appearance is irrelevant (and potentially nonexistent); PCs should not meet him in person. His voice, however, is definitively male and attractive, a confident and gregarious baritone. RJ uses popular slang and is vocally anticorporate. He likes to give straightforward answers, and does not lie often. He is not afraid, however, to refuse to give information if he feels it is not deserved or wise to do so.
RJ's presence was first noticed in the middle of the AoC, and was persistent until the start of the AI wars, when the Net was subverted by Eliza.
Statistics Notes: Legendary cipher (undetectable), legendary network, remarkable social attr., remarkable magic - Technomancy

Rogue Jaguar is one of the Legends of Varius.

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