
Morphs are primarily humanoid, with few exceptions. Most have attributes as most human-derived races, and lack animalistic structure in their bodies with the exception of a tail. This makes their stances and posture somewhat forward-leaning, but otherwise they resemble their human counterparts. Most have enough animal features that one can tell their animal stock.

Morphs are separated into two initial categories: Zoomorphs and Anthropomorphs. Both share the same origin; they are magically-created hybrids of two different types of animal. Zoomorphs are humans who have been magicked into an animalistic form, and Anthropomorphs are animals that have been magicked into humanoid form. Both resemble one another greatly, and have functionally identical physiology. Morphs are not sterile and can mate, but there seems to be a very strict divide-- two morphs derived from two different species will have a child that is either one species or the other. Hybrids are only heard of in cases where animal hybrids are possible.

The child of a Morph pairing cannot, of course, be distinguished by the “zoomorph” and “anthropomorph” appelation any more; such a creature is simply referred to as a “Morph", though the original technical name was a blending of the two: “Zooanthropomorph.” The clunky combination is generally eschewed for “Morph", and by the mid-AoC they greatly outnumber their originally magicked kinsmen.

All morphs are subject to terrible discrimination in New Washington. They are generally regarded as useful labor and little else, and they are subject to ridicule, unfair treatment and sometimes violence. Anti-morph prejudice seems to be less in the Residential District (Home) than in the others.

Morphs do not tend to get along with one another very well, but due to heavy discrimination and general disregard, many left New Washington to form their own city in the volatile western half of the former United States. The city is simply called “Capitol", and morphs there practice stunningly powerful Attunement magic, their birthright.

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