Precinct Politics of NW Central New Washington

Precinct Politics near the Arcade District are quite volatile.

Both Precinct 11 (owned by Gambit, Inc.) and Precinct 9 (owned by Trans-Di, Inc) share borders with both Precinct 10 (owned by Tyvec Industries) and Precinct 13 (owned by Uesama Industries).

Precinct 13 is to the north, P9 to the west, P11 covering the center and stretching west and south, and P10 is squeezed southeast.

Authority disputes are common between these corporations because they are situated on the edge of three major districts and encompass a minor one. The Arcade District is largely policed by Precinct 11, over half of the land bought out from Tyvec during its financial failure 20 years ago. Though Tyvec is recovering, it is expanding south and east, away from P9 and P11 and into the Commercial District.

Precinct 13 is completely within the Mercenary District, and is famous for corporate corruption. The police are allegedly used for corporate measures frequently, and it is widely known that the Precinct higher-ups wish to push P9's influence away from the border of the Commercial District and the Mercenary District, which it currently covers.

Precinct 11 is also on poor terms with Precinct 13, since there is a loose corporate alliance in place between Trans-Di and Gambit (commonly referred to as “The 9-11 Alliance” or simply “9-11"). It only contacts a small portion of the Precinct, however, so there has not been much conflict between them, historically.

Because of the poor relationship between the 9-11 and P13, there is a small Unpoliced Zone (UZ) bordering the edge of the Arcade District (UZ #09). Unlike most UZs, 09 is relatively well-controlled and peaceful due to gang activity, most notably because of the Noise Pumps, a faction of militant but relatively lawful Augments that have claimed UZ #09 as their turf. The 'Pumps have maintained a neutrality between the Precinct Tensions, and refuse to side with either 9-11 or P13.

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Because of the poor relationship between the 9-11 and P13, there is a small Unpoliced Zone (UZ) bordering the edge of the Arcade District (UZ #09). Unlike most UZs, 09 is relatively well-controlled and peaceful due to gang activity, most notably because of the Noise Pumps, a faction of militant but relatively lawful Augments that have claimed UZ #09 as their turf. The 'Pumps have maintained a neutrality between the Precinct Tensions, and refuse to side with either 9-11 or P13.

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