The Bell Incident
(was: collaborations_aoc_bell)

Coming soon, an overview of the Bell Incident.

Good stuff, this.
I think it's fine to assume that Corporate Knights are willing to accept “Honor Duels” that do not involve the death of one of them, but I think this sort of an instance is rare. One combatant defeating another and the other then standing down is more of a merc thing than a Knight thing, since Knights are sworn to protect their company unto death. For truly bitter company rivalries and vital defenses, I don't think surrender or quarter could be acceptable. I think that this could be a worthy exception, though, even if for no other reason than that Moon knew that there was a problem with Apex-2 and that the invading forces would probably be the least of his worries.

One question, though: should female Knights of the AoC be called “Dame” or “Sir"? I'm not sure which I prefer. Thoughts? ~~Dog

I prefer “Dame", for two reasons. First, it's in line with the name of the proper award (granted, the British Empire does not precisely confer Knighthood on Dames, but it is roughly equivalent), and second because I think it sounds more appropriate. If you want to make a ruling, also, go for it.
Also, I tacitly assumed that Knights are more than just highly trained (in particular that they are mentally disciplined to a high degree through training and meditation). Playing a Corporate Knight in a game would rock. ~Mysterio

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