"Super-Frog Saves Tokyo"

"Super-Frog Saves Tokyo” by Haruki Murakami ((I'm still working on transcription))

Katagiri found a giant frog waiting for him in his apartment. It was powerfully built, standing over six feet tall on its hind legs. A skinny little man no more than five-foot-three, Katagiri was overwhelmed by the frog's imposing bulk.
"Call me 'Frog,'" said the frog in a clear, strong voice.
Katagiri stood rooted in the doorway, unable to speak.
"Don't be afraid. I'm not here to hurt you. Just come in and close the door. Please."
Briefcase in his right hand, grocery bag with fresh vegetables and caned almon cradled in his left arm, Katagiri didn't dare move.
"Please, Mr. Katagiri, hurry and close the door, and take off your shoes."
The sound of his own name helped Katagiri snap out of it. His closed the door as ordered, set the grocery bag on the raised wooden floor, pinned the briefcase under one arm, and unlaced his shoes. Frog gestured for him to take a seat at the kitchen table, which he did.
"I must apologize, Mr. Katagiri, for having barged in while you were out,” Frog said. “I knew it would be a shock for you to find me here. But I had no choice. How about a cup of tea? I thought you would be coming home soon, so I boiled some water."
Katagiri still had his briefcase jammed under his arm. Somebody's playing a joke on me, he thought. Somebody's rigged himself up in his huge frog costume just to have fun with me. But he knew, as he watched Frog pour boiling water into the tea pot, humming all the while, that these had to be the limbs and movements of a real frog. Frog set a cup of green tea in front of Katagiri, and poured another one for himself.
Sipping his tea, Frog asked, “Calming down?"
But still Katagiri could not speak.
"I know, I should have made an appointment to visit you, Mr. Katagiri. I am fully aware of the proprieties. Anyone would be shocked to find a big frog waiting for him at home. But an urgent matter brings me here. Please forgive me."
"Urgent matter?” Katagiri managed to produce words at last.
"Yes, indeed,” Frog said. “Why else would I take the liberty of barging into a person's home? Such discourtesy is not my customary style."
"Does this 'matter' have something to do with me?"
"Yes and no,” said Frog with a tilt of the head. “No and yes."
I've got to get a grip on myself, thought Katagiri. “Do you mind if I smoke?"
"Not at all, not at all,” Frog said with a smile. “It's your home. You don't have to ask my permission. Smoke and drink as much as you like. I myself am not a smoker, but I can hardly impose my distaste for tobacco on others in their own homes."
Katagiri pulled a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and struck a match. He saw his hand trembling as he he lit up. Seated opposite him, Frog seemed to be studying his every movement.
"You don't happen to be connected with some kind of gang by any chance?” Katagiri found the courage to ask.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! What a wonderful sense of humor you have, Mr. Katagiri!” he said, slapping his webbed hand against his thigh. “There may be a shortage of skilled labor, but what gang is going to hire a frog to do their dirty work? They'd be made a laughingstock."
"Well, if you're here to negotiate a repayment, you're wasting your time. I have no authority to make such decisions. Only my superiors can do that. I just follow orders. I can't do a thing for you."
"Please, Mr. Katagiri,” Frog said, raising one webbed finger. “I have not come here on such petty business. I am fully aware that you are assistant chief of the Lending Division of the Shinjuku branch of the Tokyo Security Trust Bank. But my visit has nothing to do with the repayment of loans. I have come here to save Tokyo from destruction."
Katagiri scanned the room for a hidden TV camera in case he was being made the butt of some huge, terrible joke. There was no place for anyone to hide.
"No,” Frog said, “we are the only ones here. I know you are thinking that I must be mad, or that you hare having some kind of dream, but I am not crazy and you are not dreaming. This is absolutely, postively serious."
"To tell you the truth, Mr. Frog--"
"Please,” Frog said, raising one finger again. “Call me 'Frog.'"
"To tell you the truth, Frog,” Katagiri said, “I can't quite understand what is going on here. It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't seem to be able to grasp the situation exactly. Do you mind if I ask you a question or two?"
"Not at all, not at all,” Frog said. “Mutual understanding is of critical importance. There are those who say that 'understanding' is merely the sum total of our misunderstandings, and while I do find this view interesting in its own way, I am afraid that we have no time to spare on pleasant digressions. The best thing would be for us to achieve mutual understandinf via the shortest possible route. Therefore, by all means, ask as many questions as you wish."
"Now, you are a real frog, am I right?"
"Yes, of course, as you can see. A real frog is exactly what I am. A product of neither metaphor nor allusion nor deconstruction nor sampling nor any other such complex processes. I am a genuine frog. Shall I croak for you?"
Frog tilted back his head and flexed the muscles of his huge throat. Ribit! Ribit-ribit-ribit! Ribit! Ribit! Ri-i-i-bit!
"Fine, I see, I see!” Katagiri said, worried about the thin walls of the cheap apartment house in which he lived. “That's great. You are, without question, a real frog."
"One might also say that I am the sum total of all frogs. Nonetheless, this does nothing to change the fact that I am a frog. Anoyone claiming that I am not a frog would be a dirty liar. I would smash such a person to bits!"
Katagiri nodded. Hoping to calm himself, he picked up his cup and swallowed a mouthful of tea. “You said before that you have come here to save Tokyo from destruction?"
"That is what I said."
"What kind of destruction?"
"Earthquake,” Frog said with the utmost gravity.
Mouth dropping open, Katagiri looked at Frog. And Frog, saying nothing, looked at Katagiri. They went on staring at each other like this for some time. Next it was Frog's turn to open his mouth.
"A very, very big earthquake. It is set to strike Tokyo at eight-thirty a.m. on February 18. Three days from now. A much bigger earthquake than the one that struck Kobe last month. Thr number of dead from such a quake would probably exceed a hundred and fifty thousand - mostly from accidents involving the commuter system: derailments, falling vehicles, crashes, the collapse of elevated expressways and rail lines, the crushing of subways, the explosion of tanker trucks. Buildings will be transformed into piles of rubble, their inhabitants crushed to death. Fires everywhere, the road system in a state of collapse, ambulances and fire trucks useless, people just lying there, dying. A hundred and fifty thousand of them! Pure hell. People will be made to realize what a fragile condition on the intensive collectivity known as 'city' really is.” Frog said this with a gentle shake of the head. “The epicenter will be close to the Shinjuku ward office."
"Close to the Shinjuku ward office?"
"To be precise, it will hit directly beneath the Shinjuku branch of the Tokyo Security Trust Bank."
A heavy silence followed.
"And you,” Katagiri said, “are planning to stop this earthquake?"
"Exactly,” Frog said, nodding. “That is exactly what I propose to do. You and I will go underground beneath the Shinjuku branch of the Tokyo Security Trust Bank to do mortal combat with Worm."

As a member of the Trust Bank Lending Division, Katagiri had fought his way through many a battle. He had weathered sixteen years of daily combat since the day he graduated from the university and joined the bank's staff. He was, in a word, a collection officer - a post that carried little popularity. Everyone in his division preferred to make loans, especially at the time of the bubble. They had so much money in those days that almost any likely piece of collateral - be it land or stock - was enough to convince loan officers ro give away whatever they were asked for, the bigger the loan the better their reputations in the company. Some loans, though, they never made it back to the bank: they got “stuck to the bottom of the pan.” It was Katagiri's job to take care of those. And when the bubble burst, the word piled on. First stock prices fell, and then land values, and collateral lost all significance. “Get out there,” his boss commanded him, “and squeeze whatever you can out of them."
The Kabukicho neighborhood of Shinjuku was a labyrinth of violence: old-time gangsters, Korean mobsters, Chinese mafia, guns and drugs, money flowing beneath the surface from one murky den to another, people vanishing every now and then like a puff of smoke. Plunging into Kabukicho to collect a bad debt, Katagiri had been surrounded more than once by mobsters threatening to kill him, but he had never been frightened. What good would it have done them to kill one man running around for the bank? They could stab him if they wanted to. They could beat him up. He was perfect for the job: no wife, no kids, both parents dead, brother and sister he had put through college married off. So what if they killed him?It wouldn't change anything for anybody - least of all for Katagiri himself.
It was not Katagiri but the thugs surrounding him who got nervous when they saw him so calm and cool. He soon earned a kind of reputation in their world as a tough guy. Now, though, Katagiri was at a total losee. What the hell was this frog talking about? Worm?
"Who is Worm?” he asked with some hesitation.
"Worm lives underground. He is a gigantic worm. When he gets angry, he causes earthquakes,” Frog said. “And right now he is very, very angry."
"What is he angry about?? Katagiri asked.
"I have no idea,” Frog said. “Nobody knows what Worm is thinking inside that murky head of his. Few have ever seen him. He is usually asleep. That's what he really likes to do: take long, long naps. He goes on sleeping for years - decades - in the warmth and darkness underground. His eyes, as you might imagine, have atrophied, his brain has turned to jelly, as he sleeps. If you ask me, I'd guess he probably isn't thinking anthing at all, just lying there and feeling every little rumble and reverberation that comes his way, absorbing them into his body, and storing them up. And then, through some sort of chemical process, he replaces most of them with rage. Why this happens I have no idea. I could never explain it."
Frog fell silent, watching Katagiri and waiting until his words had sunk in. Then he went on:
"Please don't misunderstand me, though. I feel no personal animosity toward Worm. I don't see him as the embodiment of evil. Not that I would want to be his friend, either: I just think that, as far as the world is concerned, it is in a sense all right for a being like him to exist. The world is like a great big overcoat, anbd it needs pockets of various shapes and sizes. But right at the moment Worm has reached the point where he is too dangerous to ignore. With all the different kinds of hatred he has absorbed and stored inside himself over the years, his heart and body have swollen to gargantuan proportions -- bigger than ever before. And to make matters worse, last month's Kobe earthquake shook him out of the deep sleep he was enjoying. He experienced a revelation inspired by his profound rage: it was time now for him, too, to cause a massive earthquake, and he'd do it here, in Tokyo. I know what I'm talking about, Mr. Katagiri: I have received reliable information on the timing and scale of the earthquake from some of my best bug friends."

gone. All they had left behind in him was a horrible slimy sensation.
"Another bad dream, eh? Poor dear.” With quick, effecient movements the nurse readied an injection and stabbed the needle into his arm.
He took a long, deep breath and let it out. His heart was expanding and contracting violently.
"What were you dreaming about?"
Katagiri was having trouble differentiating dream from reality. “What you see with your eyes is not necessarily real,” he told himself aloud.
"That's so true,” said the nurse with a smile. “Especially where dreams are concerned."
"Frog,” he murmured.
"Did something happen to Frog?” she asked.
"He saved Tokyo from being destroyed by an earthquake. All by himself."
"That's nice,” the nurse said, replacing his near-empty intravenous feeding bottle with a new one. “We don't need any more awful things in Tokyo. We have plenty already."
"But it cost him his life. He's gone. I think he went back to the mud. He'll never come here again."
Smiling, the nurse toweled the sweat from his forehead. “You were very fond of Frog, weren't you, Mr. Katagiri?"
"Locomotive,” Katagiri mumbled. “More than anybody.” Then he closed his eyes and sank into a restful, dreamless sleep.


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