The Notebook

Mrs. Baker lives in the back of the bookstore, checking inventory and stocking books. Whenever we get books in by those new-fangled writers, she sniffs and mutters, “Hm! Trashy books.” Back when her husband was a professor here, she swears they only read decent books. Mrs. Baker looks like a turtle, with hunched shoulders and a skinny long neck. Her glasses are bigger than her face.

It is within my power, within the chi that flows through my brain and my veins, to create any world, any setting, any dream, any dialogue. I can access people long dead or worlds never to be. I can display my next door neighbor picking her nose. But there are two very important factors in setting this power loose.

#1: Telling the truth. Each thing I write is, in its own way, true, so that every bit of writing must ring true. If it does not, then the truth has not been told.

#2: Write, dammit! I fall prey to this one all the time. Without giving the Muse a necessary and reliable outlet, there is no way to produce. Fear is the Writer's Block. Hestiation is a stone in the path. Just write. Make the time for it. Wishing and whining will get you no where.

Make the time. Start with 15 minutes a day. You have your marching orders.

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