
In his language, there was a word for what he was. The word was “Omoen."

The closest word would have been 'vagrant' but that word was insufficient. Upon “Omoen” there lay much implication and stigma. It was a word used because Bay had been cast out of his school of swordfighting, but that had happened to many others, and none of them were called Omoen.

There was Andri, who had gained the title Llan'dwi, but that was because his sword had been taken. He left the school bereft of honor and weapon, and became an unhappy farmer. He was not Omoen, nor were any of the many others who were named Llan'dwi.

There was also Temerr, who was given the disgraceful title Erd'uch, but that is because he had shamed his school with dishonor by rape. His sword was taken and he was driven from the village, left to travel to another place or die on the way. He perished in the woods, desperate and alone, but he was not Omoen, nor were any of the others who were named Erd'uch.

No, Bay was neither of those. In the history of the Dwisuch'Cryleph school, there had only ever been one swordsman named Omoen, and it was he.

Bay Cryleph Ne'Dwinen still had his sword. He had never committed rape or stolen, and he had been admired by hundreds of the students who had studied with and under him. When he had achieved mastery of his blade, he blinded himself and never removed the cloth over his eyes after. He had lived in honor his whole life, but Bay was cast out for a different reason.

At one point, Bay had been travelling when he was set upon by bandits. Seven had swords and three had pistols, but Bay emerged unscathed. Only one of his assailants survived the encounter, and arrived in town babbling of the swordsman stopping bullets with his wide blade and cleaving men in two without a change in expression. The bandit was taken into custody, but no cheers or words of congratulation were offered to Bay, despite an action clearly laudable by the code of his school. When the blind swordsman returned, it was to cold stares and slammed shutters.

"Omoen” means vagrant, but it means so much more. Omoen is a man whose skill has long passed the point where it is to be respected. The skill of an Omoen is feared and hated. It is envied and loathed, and so is the Omoen himself. Omoen are not driven out of town with blades and guns, because such a display would not faze him.

Only fear and loathing may drive Omoen away. You must make him choose to leave. They did, and the only Omoen in Dwisuch'Cryleph's history was borne away on a trade ship, bound for foreign lands.

Bay Cryleph Ne'Dwinen Omoen travels with an emptiness in his soul that no one has ever chosen to see.


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