Nexus Character Creation Guidelines

The following guidelines are experimental. They are not yet set in stone.

In case you wish your character to be officially recognized by the creators of the Nexus, you must submit character guidelines. They are as follows:


While these are yet in their experimental phase, you must prioritize the only three stats in the game:

One will be high, one will be average, one will be low. That's all.

Potential rules: “low” stat 30%, “avg” stat 50%, “hi” stat 70%? Comments plz.


There are two types of advantages: skills and powers.
You may take five advantages and powers count as two each.

Use common sense. “Skilled Fencer” is an acceptable skill. “Master of Weaponry” is not.
"Flying” or “Laser eyes” is an appropriate power. “Stone gaze” is not.
Examples will appear anon.

A given skill will, perhaps, increase the target stat by 10%?

In addition, you will select one of the following PC Archetypes:

True Types: Note: you may request a true type or simply allow the STs to decide, but they may not honor a request you make. In the end, you may never know.


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