Orpheus Academy for the Necromantic Arts

Sent 11:55:06, 2105/04/25, from 13579.82.4530
To: Marduch DeVries <devries@orpheum.edu>
From: Mary Malloy <mab@orpheum.edu>
X-Sender: hades.orpheum.edu:7053
Subj: Fwd: FAQ Brochure

Got this from Marketing. I approve of the explanations on each type, and I think that you'll agree that they're pretty comprehensive. My issue with the brochure is that I think it's far too accessible. Some people just aren't meant for our institution, and this brochure is targeting them. Maybe we should send it over to sales to have them muddy it up a bit. That was a joke.
Waiting on your response.

Forwarded Message
Sent 09:33:24, 2105/04/25, from 13579.82.4665
To: Mary Malloy <mab@orpheum.edu>
From: Mark Levin <levinm@orpheum.edu>
X-Sender: oblivion.orpheum.edu:2023

I have for you the draft of the new brochure's text, as you asked. Let me know if you have any questions. The cover design hasn't come in yet.

There is no denying that careers in the Necromantic Arts are manifold and profitable. Necromancy sports the lowest inactivity rate in the entire BountyNet roster, and even those seeking tamer careers in the death arts are still in very high demand. Death is still a mystery to humankind, and those who can pierce its jet-black veil are greatly prized as corporate contractors and, if they are lucky, executive staff! Being a Necromancer is not only an adventurous career path; it is also a very smart one.
Regardless of demand, though, no New Washington professional can make it far without vocational certification. Even amidst the bustling city-state commerce of New Washington, The Orpheum Academy of Necromantic Arts is still the only source of legal certification in the Necromantic Arts. Necromancy is both difficult and dangerous, and employers will know better than to hire someone who learned how to raise the dead off of a .dml file! Why risk your career and your health when there are plenty of affordable education opportunities at OANA?
Depending on race and talent, the process for certification can take from five to twenty years, a reasonable estimate of which will be stated to you after initial testing. Certification is available in three different categories:

Our most popular program is that of the most popular Necromantic form. The practice of calling this Art ?Unfetter? Necromancy was originated at OANA, and has been carried since into the professional world by our certified graduates. For those who are intrigued by the multitudes of Unfettered Spirits walking silently through our world, Unfetter is the ultimate exploration into the world of the wandering dead.
Students begin courses in a curriculum designed based on their race and talent in Unfetter-related magicks, but most begin with courses designed to help them listen to and see the influences of spirits. Students learn to see the spirit world overlaid over ours and communicate with the unfettered dead. More advanced courses teach them to bind or bargain with spirits to inhabit corpses or living bodies, judge and use their own mortality, and maintain a safe working environment even when dealing with very powerful spirits.

Potential students in our Afterlife Sciences program are those who are fascinated by the stunning power of Faith in our modern world. The power that can be tapped by finding the final resting places of our ancestors is limitless, and students of Afterlife Sciences are capable of reaching into these realms beyond our ken and grasping a bit of it. Afterlife Sciences is at once a study of greater understanding and a recognition of how little understanding can truly be obtained. Little is known about this art, but there is no better place to find instruction of it than at OANA.
Students will begin by learning to transcend their perception of reality and accept mythology and legend as not merely potential truth, but unexplored reality. Soon after, students learn to accept outside realities into their perceptions of the previously “unexplored” afterlife worlds. Eventually, the students will learn to communicate with and bargain with the denizens of these underworlds, including the dead. Those who complete this course will have access to the very fires of hell and the thunderous wrath of Valhalla alike.\

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