
My progress on Dog's Nav Page Contest here!

Update 4/1/04: Haven't updated this page in quite some time, but I have been working on the contest. I've finished rereading the archives on all the comics I'm current with and have done a few new ones. 28 days, folks.

Update 11/19/03: Yeah, I lost the first part of the bet. But... I'm not out of the running! I'll finish it up so that Dog can put me in the comic with the new art supplies he'll be getting from me. *grins*

I have 57/74 links complete. As a reminder, my nav page is at:

And only the links below the Crucial Links section count.


Full list:

  1. Sluggy
  2. Penny Arcade
  3. Something Positive
  4. Kevin and Kell
  5. Strange Candy
  6. Angst Technologies
  7. Player vs. Player
  8. Shaw Island
  9. Achewood
  10. The New Adventures of Bobbin!
  11. Megatokyo
  12. It's Walky!
  13. Stubble
  14. Real Life
  15. RPG World
  16. Bob and George
  17. Errant Story
  18. Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
  19. Bob the Angry Flower
  20. Sexy Losers

  1. Userfriendly
  2. Life of Riley
  3. Elf Life
  4. Everything Jake
  5. Pokey The Penguin
  6. Goats
  7. Sinfest!
  8. Clan of the Cats
  9. College Roomies From Hell
  10. Alice!
  11. Adventurers!
  12. Wendy!
  13. Bruno The Bandit
  14. Diesel Sweeties
  15. General Protection Fault

  1. Mac Hall
  2. Under Power
  3. Starsomething
  4. Sabrina Online
  5. Irritability
  6. Lethal Doses
  7. OldSkooled
  8. Lost and Found
  9. Life on Forbez
  10. Owen and Gwen
  11. Cigarro & Cerveja
  12. Avalon

  1. Cool Cat Studios
  2. Unicorn Jelly
  3. The Parking Lot is Full
  4. Exploitation Now!
  5. Amuse Me
  6. The Japanese Beetle
  7. Nosferatu

  1. Brunching Shuttlecocks
  3. Overclocked Remix Community
  4. Sodaconstructor
  5. The Onion

  1. Em-Kay Twelve
  2. Xeo Freestyle
  3. Weakcum Oekaki BBS
  4. This... is Zombocom

  1. The Michelle Chronicles
  2. The Minibosses

  1. HTML help
  2. World of Darkness combat guide
  3. Stair Diving
  4. Limerence: a definition
  5. WAV place
  6. The WAV place
  7. Feng Shui elements in personality
  8. Japanese Writing guide
  9. Crossbreed upload page

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