Ace Trumpe

Ace is a sorcerer with a most unique talent to touch magic at it's most fundamental fabric. While he lacks the theories and understanding to weave others spells like a wizard, his power grants him something that few wizards obtain, complete control over magical energies. Whenever a spell or magical effect manifests within his presence he can reach out and take control of it. At first he simply learns to occassionally unweave the spell, but later he learns to manipulate it and even reverse dangerous effects back onto his enemies.

Ace is about as effective as any sorcerer at lower levels but he's really built for high powered games. At later levels he becomes a master of magical defense, capable of countering any opponent's spell and throwing it back at him.

Sorcerer 5/Incantrix 10/Ambient Tempest 4/Archmage 1

At first level:
Neutral Good Human Sorcerer
Str 8
Dex 15
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 18

Build details will come soon.

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